Wednesday 4 April 2012

Dress yourself from the inside out!!

I can spend hours people watching sitting and observing people. The first impression
they give off without not even knowing it is amazing. We assume judge categorize
them and that's without even a conversation!!! Gosh we are bad!

Our outer appearance is a direct reflection of what is going on in the inside.
When you are not feeling your best and your self confidence is down it takes all
the energy you have to take care of yourself. The opposite can be when your
posture is straight your head is held up high and your smiling! What a change
that can be!

Last year I was going through a funk I had gained weight my career was lagging
and I felt terrible. It didn't matter what I wore I felt frumpy and blah. I hated the
clothes I wore and nothing in my closet screamed "Wear me you'll feel better!"

After getting fed up and torturing my family enough I decided to make a change.
It took me to take a close look at myself and ask  "Why am I so miserable
and what are you going to do to get over it?" I was stuck with playing the victim
and wanted sympathy and I was depressed. Most of my clothes were in shades
of grey black brown no color at all! Not only did I feel depressed I looked
depressed how depressing!? I made the decision to get rid of every "non-color'
piece of clothing and add my color to my life! I came alive and the old ME
was back in full swing again.

I felt better and people noticed me more. The weight came off my career jump
started and I felt awesome!  It was a huge difference for me and now I only wish
I did it sooner. You may think no one notices you but we do your image is
shouting out a million words even without you saying a word now that's something
to think about!!!

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