Tuesday 13 March 2012

Leaving the perfectionistic Diva behind!

Ahhhh are you one those girls? Come on now fess up! I am once in awhile more
than what I want to admit. The pressure is on to look act feel perfect and really
who are we kidding? We drive ourselves over the edge of craziness and wonder
why do we feel this way? It's you. We do that to ourselves and we cannot blame
anyone except ourselves. I started this destructive behavior when I was a teen.

I wanted to be thin which I already was but felt I wasn't the perfect clothes to be
the envy of all the girls at school and the list went on. I felt I had to be all of that 
and be accepted. It took me a long time to accept and love myself. 

I felt the pressure from my peers as a young women and even now to fit in.
I've learned to let it go. The constant reminder from magazines and the media
of how I am "suppose" to look is ridiculous. I actually like the way I am with
my flaws and imperfections. It's the icing on the cake I think.
It's being able to shut off the negative self talk and loving and accepting yourself.

When you feel confident on the inside you will project that on the outside.

To all you beautiful courageous women love yourselves enough and let go
of being perfect. 


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