Monday, 5 March 2012

Do you wanna trade? Clothes Swapping

We're talking clothes swapping!!! People are jumping on the bandwagon wanting to participate
 in the trend of swapping clothes that you do not wear anymore for FREE! This is a great
way to mingle and you may come home with things that you were thinking of buying anyway.

Many women have clothing that is still brand new I know I do and never worn. I want to show
all of you ladies that this is a great way to build a wardrobe without spending any money.
It also cleans out your space and could help women in need. This is why I've decided to host
the clothing swap. It helps provide items for those attending who have a need and opens up
a great way to pass other pieces onto charities.

If you haven't worn it in a year then chances are you are not going to and for good reason,
it may be too tight, too big too unflattering, or just not your style.
Only keep clothes that you love, that makes you feel beautiful. Let someone else love the
things that are just taking up space. Bring the best of the best to the swap...the things you
know someone else might get excited about.

The ole saying goes...What is someone's junk is someone else's treasure.

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