Monday 9 April 2012

Put your Big Girl panties on and SHINE!!!

Remember riding your first bike? The feeling of excitement curiosity and urgency to
jump on and run free? I do just like yesterday. I remember being excited with my 
tinsel handle bars and a rainbow colored basket to hold my dolls for a ride.We
didn't feel fear since our parents were holding on to the back. We did it and 
learned as we go after falling and getting back up and doing it again.

Life isn't much different than riding a bike. You learn as you go you take risk
experience new challenges and that's when you change. If you didn't take risks
and chances who would you be? As much as we fear change our world is
changeing with or without us and we need to adapt.

The most common fear I hear from woman..."WOW you are brave!"
"I could never do that!" "I'm fine just the way I am!" "I can't afford it right now!"

In reality I hear that my self worth is low and I don't feel important enough to take
care of myself. When our "inner bitch" starts blabbering on about all the reasons why
you "shouldn't" change that's when you doubt yourself. Are those doubts true?
Of course not but unless you get uncomfortable and acknowledge your fears and
accept them as they are  that's when you will be set free.

I  push myself out of my comfort zone constantly and if I don't I push harder even
with all the uncomfortable body symptoms. Have I wanted to back out and not do it?
Of course. Since doing so I am stronger and more confident than I have been in years.
It wasn't easy and my friends can vouch for that but if I stayed miserable depressed
anxiety ridden and fearful I was merely existing and I didn't want to live this way.

Until I was fed up and angry with myself for having a long pity party and torturing
everyone around me that's when I took my life back and make drastic changes.

It's time to put on your big girl panties and SHINE! Are you ready?

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