I never liked Hallowe'en I felt it was too much work to think outside the box
when it came to a clever costume. Many people jump right and can't wait to
wear their mask and live incognito for a night and some for a lifetime. It amazes
me how we relish in covering ourselves up and not revealing who we really are.
Are you the wife mother daughter friend who feels I've messed up in this life?
Do you have thoughts that I'm not as good or perfect and successful like so
and so? We all do and if you don't your lying.
We want to cover up and hide from the world. God only knows what would
happen if people found out! They would find that you are fake and that all along
your behavior has been all an act. The fake laugh smile nod is all a role we play
to be accepted loved and liked. How exhausting it must be to constantly switch
back'n'forth to fit in.
What is the pay off? There has to be when we feel uneasy. If only we could
learn to love ourselves with all of our imperfections and quirks. When we
can open up and share our story our tribulations that's authenticity and it's
real. People will have more of an admiration for us when we do. It's common
ground and really most of us feel all the same. We have mutual struggles hurdles
we have had to face...but listening to their triumphs and joy it gives us hope.
I've struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety and when I share
my story and how I overcame it...it helps inspire someone else. I'm a
work in progress and work hard at keeping positive and optimistic.
What's your story?
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