Wednesday 11 April 2012

What mask are you wearing?

I never liked Hallowe'en I felt it was too much work to think outside the box
when it came to a clever costume. Many people jump right  and can't wait to
wear their mask and live incognito for a night and some for a lifetime. It amazes
me how we relish in covering ourselves up and not revealing who we really are.

Are you the wife mother daughter friend who feels I've messed up in this life?
Do you have thoughts that I'm not as good or perfect and successful like so
and so? We all do and if you don't your lying.

We want to cover up and hide from the world. God only knows what would
happen if people found out! They would find that you are fake and that all along
your behavior has been all an act. The fake laugh smile nod is all a role we play
to be accepted loved and liked. How exhausting it must be to constantly switch
back'n'forth to fit in.

What is the pay off? There has to be when we feel uneasy. If only we could
learn to love ourselves with all of our imperfections and quirks. When we
can open up and share our story our tribulations that's authenticity and it's
real. People will have more of an admiration for us when we do. It's common
ground and really most of us feel all the same. We have mutual struggles hurdles
we have had to face...but listening to their triumphs and joy it gives us hope.

I've struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety and when I share
my story and how I overcame helps inspire someone else. I'm a
work in progress and work hard at keeping positive and optimistic.

What's your story?

Monday 9 April 2012

Put your Big Girl panties on and SHINE!!!

Remember riding your first bike? The feeling of excitement curiosity and urgency to
jump on and run free? I do just like yesterday. I remember being excited with my 
tinsel handle bars and a rainbow colored basket to hold my dolls for a ride.We
didn't feel fear since our parents were holding on to the back. We did it and 
learned as we go after falling and getting back up and doing it again.

Life isn't much different than riding a bike. You learn as you go you take risk
experience new challenges and that's when you change. If you didn't take risks
and chances who would you be? As much as we fear change our world is
changeing with or without us and we need to adapt.

The most common fear I hear from woman..."WOW you are brave!"
"I could never do that!" "I'm fine just the way I am!" "I can't afford it right now!"

In reality I hear that my self worth is low and I don't feel important enough to take
care of myself. When our "inner bitch" starts blabbering on about all the reasons why
you "shouldn't" change that's when you doubt yourself. Are those doubts true?
Of course not but unless you get uncomfortable and acknowledge your fears and
accept them as they are  that's when you will be set free.

I  push myself out of my comfort zone constantly and if I don't I push harder even
with all the uncomfortable body symptoms. Have I wanted to back out and not do it?
Of course. Since doing so I am stronger and more confident than I have been in years.
It wasn't easy and my friends can vouch for that but if I stayed miserable depressed
anxiety ridden and fearful I was merely existing and I didn't want to live this way.

Until I was fed up and angry with myself for having a long pity party and torturing
everyone around me that's when I took my life back and make drastic changes.

It's time to put on your big girl panties and SHINE! Are you ready?

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Dress yourself from the inside out!!

I can spend hours people watching sitting and observing people. The first impression
they give off without not even knowing it is amazing. We assume judge categorize
them and that's without even a conversation!!! Gosh we are bad!

Our outer appearance is a direct reflection of what is going on in the inside.
When you are not feeling your best and your self confidence is down it takes all
the energy you have to take care of yourself. The opposite can be when your
posture is straight your head is held up high and your smiling! What a change
that can be!

Last year I was going through a funk I had gained weight my career was lagging
and I felt terrible. It didn't matter what I wore I felt frumpy and blah. I hated the
clothes I wore and nothing in my closet screamed "Wear me you'll feel better!"

After getting fed up and torturing my family enough I decided to make a change.
It took me to take a close look at myself and ask  "Why am I so miserable
and what are you going to do to get over it?" I was stuck with playing the victim
and wanted sympathy and I was depressed. Most of my clothes were in shades
of grey black brown no color at all! Not only did I feel depressed I looked
depressed how depressing!? I made the decision to get rid of every "non-color'
piece of clothing and add my color to my life! I came alive and the old ME
was back in full swing again.

I felt better and people noticed me more. The weight came off my career jump
started and I felt awesome!  It was a huge difference for me and now I only wish
I did it sooner. You may think no one notices you but we do your image is
shouting out a million words even without you saying a word now that's something
to think about!!!